
This page provides detailed guidance through each stage of the the coursework process. It can be made available through students access and act act as the go-to place for your students.

Coursework Outline

This page sets out the basic expectations and structure of the coursework. It can be used in lessons to introduce the coursework . It also provides some useful tips on how to choose your fieldwork investigation...

Structuring the Coursework

This page outlines the way to structure your data presentation and analysis. It provides clear examples of effective data mapping and graphing techniques as well as helping students avoid common errors

Generic Data Colection Sheets by Theme

This page provides generic methodology resources that teachers can upload and use when designing their fieldwork methodologies. They are theme-specific and so adaptable to use in more specific local investigations....

Step-by Step Student Guide

This page provides a more detailed step-by-step generic guide for students to complete the coursework. It's based on the suggested structure from the last pageAt the top of the page you must state your...

Getting started!

This page is to be used as a teaching resource for the various stages of the coursework process and provides resources and guidance on how to deliver the lessons and how to time the investigation write...

Objectives and Data Collection

This page outlines ways of considering the relevant data and methods of data collection. It provides a number of student activities that look at selecting study sites and zones that are valid and representative....

Avoiding Presentation Pitfalls

This page provides teaching material on data presentation and aims to help students make good choices about how to present data. It is focused on helping students avoid common presentation mistakes

Data Presentation Methods

This page provides an outline of different data presentation methods and explains when best to use them. As a general rule of thumb, remember that all graphs and figures should include basic conventions....

Selected Pages

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