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Fieldwork Modules

This page provides a number of virtual fieldwork experiences that can be used to develop fieldwork skills in preparation for Paper 4. It provides activities and illustrated methods, data and activities based on sampling, data presentation and data analysis as well as drawing conclusions and evaluating fieldwork

Coastal Fieldwork Module

This page provides a study module that allows students to work independently through coastal fieldwork. It takes a step-by-step approach including quizzes, questions, reflections and tasks to provide...

Forest Fieldwork Module

This page provides a study module that allows students to work independently through a forestry based fieldwork module. It takes a step-by-step approach through the stages of fieldwork providing exercises...

Industry Fieldwork Module

This page provides a study module that allows students to work independently through industry based fieldwork. It takes a step-by-step approach through the stages of a fieldwork investigation and includes...

River Fieldwork Module

This page provides a study module that allows students to work independently through river fieldwork. It takes a step-by-step approach including quizzes questions, reflections and tasks to provide an...

Settlement Fieldwork Module

This page provides a study module that allows students to work independently through settlement fieldwork. It takes a step-by-step approach including quizzes questions, reflections and tasks to provide...

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