Paper 4
This page provides guidance on exam technique, unseen exam paper and mark schemes and model answers to help students prepare and teachers prepare for Paper 4. It also includes five fieldwork modules from different geographical contexts. The modules provide activities and reflections that lead students through each stage of fieldwork.
Fieldwork Modules
This page provides a number of virtual fieldwork experiences that can be used to develop fieldwork skills in preparation for Paper 4. It provides activities and illustrated methods, data and activities...
Know the Paper!
This page provides an outline of Paper 4 and its Assessment Objectives as well as guidance on common response errors. Students answer two compulsory questions, completing a series of written tasks
Unseen Paper 4 and Mark Scheme
This page provides a printable unseen specimen Paper 4 written in the style of the Cambridge IGCSE. It is accompanied with a full mark scheme, ideal for practice assessment or mock exams Specimen Paper...
Graded Responses
This page provides an abundance of graded responses as well as model graded responses for Paper 4
Selected Pages
Paper 4
Fieldwork Modules Free
This page provides a number of virtual fieldwork experiences that can be used to develop fieldwork skills in preparation...
Paper 4
Guidance and Graded Responses
This page provides clear guidance to support different types of question featuring in the paper
Paper 4
Forest Fieldwork Module
This page provides a study module that allows students to work independently through a forestry based fieldwork module....
Paper 4
Industry Fieldwork Module
This page provides a study module that allows students to work independently through industry based fieldwork. It takes...
Paper 4
Coastal Fieldwork Module
This page provides a study module that allows students to work independently through coastal fieldwork. It takes a step-by-step...
Paper 4
River Fieldwork Module
This page provides a study module that allows students to work independently through river fieldwork. It takes a step-by-step...