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3. Causes of Hunger

This page introduces the patterns of hunger and under nutrition and then examines the different and complex causes of hunger including both physical and human factors.

Activity 1 - Patterns of Hunger

1. Complete the heads and tail activity to define the key words

Hunger Worksheet

Malnutrition - The long-term absence of the correct balance of nutrition. This can be either over consumption of certain nutrients or under consumption of certain nutrients

Undernutrition - When a person consumes insufficient number of nutrients for healthy diet

Chronic hunger - A shortage food and nutrition over an extended period

Acute hunger  - A shortage of food and nutrition over a short period of time

Famine - A shortage of food and nutrition that leads to death of a significant number of people in a population

2. Study the WFP World Hunger Map and describe the global distribution of hunger

3. Study the Bloomberg graph showing the number of hungry people in the world since 2010 and projected to 2030

  1. Describe the pattern of hunger between 2010 and 2019
  2. Describe the impact of the global pandemic on hunger
  3. Discuss why you think the pandemic has increased global hunger

Activity 2 - Is there enough food?

Study the graph and map below and discuss what they show us about the availability of food and the causes of hunger

The graph shows that all regions of the world including low income countries produce enough food/energy for their population to mee the their daily energy needs. What this doesn't show is how food production varies between countries and regions within this category of country.

The map shows us that some regions such as Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia have very high levels of people not able to afford a healthy diet. This suggests that food is available but not affordable

Activity 3 - Causes of Hunger

1. Study the people profiles that have been placed around the room by your teacher or may be cut out as cards on your table complete the table that explain the causes of hunger.

Hunger Profile Cards

Causes of Hunger Table

2. For each cause consider whether hunger is caused by the availability of food or access to food

3. Watch the following short film on the causes and issues with hunger

Activity 4 - Multi-dimensional Causes of Hunger

1. As a group decide on how you can classify the causes of hunger into different groups

Social Causes Economic Causes, Political Causes, Environmental Causes,

2. Make a mind map using your headings.

3. Consider how some of the causes may come together. Draw lines to connect causes and state why they may occur together.

4. Consider which causes of hunger are underlying causes linked to malnutrition and consider which causes are more short term and linked to acute hunger.

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