Student e-book: Assessment, study and revision tips

In your final examination you will be tested on your knowledge and on your analysis and source skills in two papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2.

In addition you may do a piece of coursework (Paper 3), or an extra exam (Paper 4)

Click on the pages below for hints and practice exercises for these papers.

The final section gives tips on how to study and to revise!

Paper 1

Paper 1 is a two hour paper which will test your knowledge and understanding of the core content that you have studied (either 19th or 20th Century)...

Paper 2

This is a source paper in which you will be using both your source skills and your understanding of the topic to help you answer the questions.

Paper 3 (Coursework)

Paper 3 is a coursework component that tests your knowledge and understanding, and you ability to explain and justify your arguments and conclusion.

Paper 4 (Alternative to coursework)

You may be doing Paper 4 instead of coursework. See below for what to expect and some hints on how to answer questions in this paper.

Study and revision tips

Key to your success in IGCSE is establishing an effective work routine - reading carefully the content for each topic area in Papers 1 and 2 and establishing an effective note taking system as you go...

Selected Pages

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