Inquiry Based Learning Activities!

'Having Brainstormed and shared our ideas and research using Wallwisher, it's then time to try some activities!' 

We could start with a few definitions, a nice image, a history of the concept of "inquiry/discovery/problem based" learning in education but . . . there are a lot of educators in this room who I'm sure have a pretty good idea of what it is already, who may have a mobile phone with internet access in their hand and who may be thinking right now of a few of their favourite lessons that probably demonstrate the concept better than words can . . . so in groups we're going to brainstorm and research for 5-10mins what we think it is and then add our contributions: videos, articles, weblinks here

We're looking for:

  • Examples of lessons you have taught that demonstrate this method and what about the lesson exemplified its inquiry based nature.
  • Good video examples of such lessons or summaries etc. that may be relevant.
  • History of Inquiry/Discover/Problem Based Learning
  • Anything you'd like to share . .
  • Evidence for or against its effectiveness - controversial  . . ?

By the end of this we'll have a fairly thorough and multi-faceted description of what it is and we'll all have learnt something from each other . . . 

Don't hold back - share . .

The following is a series of brief mathematical activities that use an Inquiry Based Learning Approach.


No Computers Required

1. Rectangular Relations

2. Prism People

3. Body Surface Area

4. Guess My Colour

5. Human Locii

6. Skewey Squares

Computers Required

7. In a Spin

8. Wall Street Crash Simulation Game (History)

9. Factorising Quadratics

10.  Motion Maths, Timestables, Tangrams etc. iPhone and iPad

11.  Garage Band - produce your own tracks: iPhone and iPad

12. Medieval Church: Board Games (History - thanks to Russel Tarr)

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