TSM - July 2012

Introductory Geogebra

Objectives - To support workshop participants to get to grips with geogebra software and demonstrate its uses in the mathematics classroom.

Aims - Participants should observe potential, get practice, be inspired to use it in the classroom!

Content - Learn the basics of creating geometrical figures, measurement and calculation; coordinate geometry and functions for elementary and advance topics.

Opening Session

Some highlights of the 6 hour Geogebra workshop:

 Angry Birds


We will attempt to explore the following:

A: Geometry

  • Geometry Basic
  • Measurement & Polygon Tools
  • Sliders, Varibles and Dynamic Text
  • Transformations

B : Graphing 

  • Graph Plotting
  • Plotting Tangents
  • Commands
  • Combining Geometry with Graphs

Video Demonstrations of Workshop from hackingmaths.  For TI 84+ tutorials visit his youtube channel


Requirements - need java installed and ensure that your browser is java enabled.

Install and start GeoGebra on your computer.

Applet start - Open a fully functional GeoGebra applet in your web browser. Nothing will be installed on your computer. Good for working on unfamiliar computers provided you have an internet connection – should work on any computer!

Geogebra 4.2 Beta version with CAS

Geogebra 5 Beta version with 3D

Why Geogebra?

Free, attractive interface, relatively easy to use yet powerful.

Large active and supportive community geogebra forum.  Twitter users should check out #geogebra

Huge catalogue of ready to use applets geogebratube

Here are some of my favourite Geogebra applets.  I hope will will be able to add to these over the next three days!

You can add yours on this google doc by following the link

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