The largest staffroom in the world!

How to!

At the time of writing I am at a conference for the association of teachers of mathematics and having a great time meeting inspiring colleagues and sharing great ideas. One of the things I want to do most is to find ways to keep in contact with the people I meet at these events so that we can keep sharing the ideas as they come along! For this reason I am simply posting the links to three facebook groups that Maths tecahers can belong to. One of of these has been born out of one of the sessions.

The Mathematics teachers exchange

 Follow this link to this group - This group is intended for teachers of mathematics anywhere in the world to share great links, ideas and questions etc. Please consider joining and being part of the biggest staffroom in the world.

Teaching mathematics as if the planet mattered

  - Follow the link to this group - This group has come out of a session by the same name at this conference which was a preview to book that will hopefully be published later this year. The group is for exchange about ideas for teaching mathematics and understanding our world.

Practical technologies for this classroom

 Follow the link to this group - This group is a general one about educational technology and is for tecahers of oll subjects to share the ideas, examples and cool tools that they find!


Why all teachers should belong!

coming soon......

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