'Bring the outside world in, and send your student home with the world's knowledge in their pocket . . '
IBL does require the student to be motivated and engaged in the problem they have to try and solve. It takes time (and good social networks: twitter, youtube, bookmarking etc.) to find top quality conceptual and motivational videos, but they're out there, and there's a lot of them! This session runs through a few examples for you and your students to start using immediately. After that, the only limitations are our own . . and those of our networks!
1. Lesson starter "Hooks" to catch students' attention
Great video giving a break neck speed overview of how the ear works and how this relates to sound travelling in waves (up to 2m25 is probably enough as intro to Trig). From 3m to 5m10 is great as a fractions introduction . . . or you could show the whole first 5m10 to your IB Trig class . . Follow this introduction up with this great activity from Richard Wade: Modelling Music.
2. Activity Examples developed from starters and/or plenaries
3. Browse the Video and Virtual Manipulatives Library.
4. Some good sites to subscribe to via RSS feed or iTunes and listen to on the way to and from school, or other "down" time, as a continual source of ideas and inspiration.
5. Bank of useful Self-Teach videos for students (transfer onto your computers from the circulating memory stick) so that they can use their journey, and TV commercial break time!, to brush up on their content knowledge and skills!