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 Quadratic Movers

This immediately absorbing and engaging activity requires students to use graphing software.  The aim is to explore the basic transformations of a function, e.g. y=f(x-a), y=f(ax) for the quadratic function.  However, the questions are disguised in videos of moving graphs that students are asked to reproduce.  This challenge provides a great incentive to explore, experiment and share ideas. Age: 15+ Time: 1h


Sine Cosine Transformations

Age: 15+ Time 1-2 hrs  Using Autograph or the free Geogebra or Microsoft Maths 4.0, students investigate the functions of the sine and cosine graph. Students record the key, defining points in a pre-prepared table: coordinates of the maximum and minimum and x-intercepts, as they change different parameters using the constant controller or sliders. Without technology, students then have to predict

these key points for different functions.


Coming soon . . . 

Age 10+ Time:

Statistics and Probability

 Predict the Future

This activity explores time-series data and shows how calculating and plotting moving averages can help to iron out fluctuations and spot trends.  Students will critically analyse temperatures since the mid 19th century to investigate global warming and the effect of wars on life expectancy. Age:  13+   Time: 1h

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