Paper 2A NON-calculator
Extended syllabus: Paper 2 NON-calculator
Below is a full, mock Extended syllabus Paper 2: NON-calculator paper.
FULL STEP-by-STEP WORKED SOLUTIONS (with markscheme) are available here.
All answers should be given exactly e.g. \(\pi,\quad \sqrt { 2 } \), or to three significant figures, unless stated otherwise in the question.
The Formulae required for all IGCSE (0580) exams are always given on the second page of the exam papers.
This paper contains a total of 100 marks to be completed in 2 hours.
Make sure you get the most marks possible by focusing on questions you CAN do first (maximimse YOUR marks!). Show the examiners what you can do!
The below illustrates the instructions given at the top of all Paper 2 exams (and in the mock paper below):
Use a black or dark blue pen and an HB pencil for diagrams or graphs.
● Write your name, at the top of this page.
● Make sure you show ALL working out and place your final answer in the space indicated.
● The use of erasable pens or correction fluid is not permitted.
● No calculators are allowed in this examination.
● Tracing paper will be provided if required, please ask for it.
● You must show all your working out.