Timestables - Alternative Methods
Some of us have difficulty remembering our timetables and if, after a number of years, we still can’t memorise them, it’s probably worth trying other approaches! Below are some nice “patterns” that reduce the amount of “memory” you need to be able to quickly reproduce your timestables. In a computer age “estimation” is a very useful skill. We need to quickly check the numbers/information that we enter into the computer and that the result that comes out “makes sense/is reasonable”! So, what’s essential is that you can quickly, with pencil and paper, reproduce 100% accurately (and confidently) your timestables. It’s not essential that you do it mentally (if you can, great!).
Alternative Methods for Learning your Timestables
Practice makes perfect ! See the video introduction at the start to see how these templates work together. ONce you think you've understood the "alternative methods" demonstrated in the videos above, put your skills to the test using the practice sets of questions and tests below.
A couple of quick three minute timestable tests or practice: 3 x timetable and 4 x timetable tests
To make many more tests, or practice questions, on any timestable you want to practice use CTRL F to "find" and "replace" all the "z" or "#" with the required timestable: Timestable Test Generator.
Want to practice by yourself? This Timestable self-checker will turn "green" if the answer you enter is correct. Press "CTRL F" to "find" and "replace" all the "z" or "#" with the required timestable before starting
Once you feel comfortable and are regularly getting only one or two wrong on the tests for each timestable, try pressing CTRL F9 to generate lots of 180 second tests that mix all the timetables together: Mixed Timestable Generator. You can then copy and paste these tests into the "Timestable Test Generator" word document for printing, or print directly from the excel file.
Open this: Timestable Random Test/Practice Generator excel file and use CTRL F to "find" and "replace" all the "z" and "#" with the timestable you would like to practice. The aim is simply to provide yet more practice! until you achieve mastery! Copy and paste the tests into the word docuemnt "Timestable Test Generator" template above, or simply print directly from Excel. Press FUNCT F9 to generate infinitely many tests/practice questions! May the force be with you . . .
Watch the first video, at the top of this page, for an overview of the activity.
- Watch, and practice, the
Alternative Methods for Learning your Timestables using the videos at the top of this page.
- There are lots of test and practice generators in the Resources section above.
- It does take some time to master your Timestables. Moreover, it's worth coming back and testing yourself every week, month etc. to check you still remember how to reproduce them quickly and without a calculator.
- The resources section aims to provide you with limitless practice material!